Do well with nothing, do better with little, but do it right now!
Kino Loop is an open filmmakers collective based in Berlin. We organise screenings, exchanges and an annual festival, the Kino Loop International Kabaret. We are part of the kino movement, a global community promoting a participative filmmaking culture. Kino is all about doing well with nothing, doing better with little but doing it right now! We want to give everyone the power to get their vision off the ground!
Our Festival
We are working on it to be back in 2023 with our festvial, where we usually unite about 100 filmmakers here in Berlin. We host them, we feed them and we lock them into a cosy workspace so they produce wonderful films during the festival period. The event is flanked by screenings, workshops and a tiny tiny little bit of party...
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Planète Kino
From Shanghai to Montreal, from Burkina Faso to the north of Finland - globally there is a growing number of other collectives that share our vision. Most of them organise their own kabaret, a festival similar to ours. You could potentially spend the entire year jumping from kabaret to kabaret. Yes, this is actually happening.
Click here for an overview
Get Involved
Kino Loop is all about participation. Our events are always open and affordable for everyone, which requires a big chunk of voluntary engagement, especially for the festival. Donating to us is tax deductible and very welcome. However, the biggest contribution is your creative input: Join our monthly screening, present your work, find support in our growing Facebook group or realise your vision during our festival!